You are packed up. Ready to go. BUT your travel insurance policy doesn’t start until tomorrow? Oh well, it shouldn’t matter, it’s only one day sooner – Why not just go? Do you know what happens if you leave before your travel insurance starts?
Well, in the insurance world it does matter.
If you leave earlier than when your policy is set to start, it will invalidate your policy. Imagine yourself in a claim situation, and the insurance company asks for documentation showing when you left home. If the date you departed doesn’t match the dates on your policy, your claim will be denied and your policy will be voided.
With all of our policies, we always recommend you review the benefits and exclusions and how it applies to you. Travel insurance policy wordings will state that the coverage commences either on the day you leave your home province or the day you leave Canada. When submitting a claim you will be asked to submit proof of when you left your home province or from Canada, depending on the policy. It is not meant to say you are not telling the truth, but insurance companies need to do their due diligence to ensure the rules are followed by everyone.
If you DO need to leave before your policy starts, you should call us right away to make the adjustment well before you cross the border. We recommend calling us at least three business days in advance when possible. We cannot stress enough how important it is to have your actual travel dates match the dates on your travel insurance policy.
If you delay your departure, you should also call us to update your policy with the new travel dates before the stated departure date on your policy. You may even get some money refunded if you need to if you go later! If we are closed please feel free to leave us a voice mail or you can always email us indicating the change!
So if you want to leave earlier or later just let us know! And remember the policy wording is your friend and to always review it before you leave.
Senior Insurance Broker,
Teresa Bortoluzzi
To speak with a licensed insurance broker about what happens if you leave before your travel insurance starts, and what you can do about it, give us a call at 1-800-661-3098. Or you can get a quote online using our client portal at www.mymediquote.ca.